July 26


Here is the recording of the online event organized by the Resourcing, Training and Development Committee of AmCham Luxembourg on July 21, 2023. You may access the video content by using the password received from AmCham as a member.

You can also join our LinkedIn group, Lux L&D Forum for access.

10 key event takeaways:

  1. Keeping Relevant: creating a community of like-minded professionals for sharing ideas in our dynamic L&D domain and learning from each other, accelerates development amid limited time and consistent workloads.
  2. Scaling Learning Solutions: is vital for large organizations, but it also requires finding ways to make learning personal, impactful, and efficient. This is the challenge of mass personalization where technology can help.
  3. Start Early and Have a Vision: developing skills takes time, so it's essential to start early and have a clear vision of the L&D skills worth learning. Anticipating them is crucial, as the studies show that in the next four to five years, the skills required for the same role will change by 40%.
  4. Focus on Soft Skills: soft skills play a crucial role in career progression and leadership development, making them essential for Learning & Development professionals to emphasize.
  5. Explore Social Learning: social learning is a powerful tool for enabling knowledge sharing and learning from peers, making it an effective and cost-efficient learning method.
  6. Embrace Personalized Learning Journeys: personalized learning journeys allow learners to pursue their own objectives and leverage social connections to enhance learning outcomes.
  7. Develop Business Acumen: Learning & Development professionals should possess a strong understanding of the business and the language used within the organization to become effective partners and align learning initiatives with business goals.
  8. Embrace Technology and Data Analytics: embrace technology as an enabler for scalable learning solutions and use data analytics to measure learning impact and improve learning initiatives.
  9. Continuously Adapt and Experiment: adopt an agile mindset to continuously adapt to changing learning needs and experiment with different learning approaches and tools to enhance effectiveness. 
  10. Remember, staying ahead in the Learning & Development field requires a combination of technical expertise, soft skills, adaptability, and a focus on the organization's business goals.


Link to download the resource.


Future Skills, Learning & Development, Training

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